Version v1.39 of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.


To help prioritize features and work on improving Skaffold, we collect anonymized Skaffold usage data. Usage data does not include any argument values or personal information.

You are opted-in by default and you can opt-out at any time with the skaffold config command. In order to disable sending usage data, run the following command after you have installed Skaffold:

skaffold config set --global collect-metrics false

The breakdown of data we collect is as follows:


    skaffold dev -v trace --port-forward --cache-artifacts=false --filename=./skaffold.yaml

    Running the above in the microservices example after a couple of builds/deploys results in the following metrics being collected:

        "ExitCode": 0,
        "BuildArtifacts": 3,
        "Command": "dev",
        "Version": "v1.19.0",
        "OS": "darwin",
        "Arch": "amd64",
        "PlatformType": "local",
        "Deployers": ["kubectl"],
        "EnumFlags": {
            "cache-artifacts": "false",
            "port-forward": "true"
        "Builders": {
            "docker": 3
        "SyncType": {},
        "DevIterations": [{
            "Intent": "build",
            "ErrorCode": 0
        }, {
            "Intent": "build",
            "ErrorCode": 104
        }, {
            "Intent": "build",
            "ErrorCode": 0
        }, {
            "Intent": "deploy",
            "ErrorCode": 300
        }, {
            "Intent": "deploy",
            "ErrorCode": 0
        "StartTime": "2021-01-25T16:24:38.615012-05:00",
        "Duration": 176315222939,
        "ErrorCode": 0

    This data is handled in accordance with our privacy policy

    Last modified July 21, 2021: Skaffold master -> main (#6263) (01a833614)